List all hosts in a cluster then pull the CDP Information

The function “VP-HostCDPInfo” will list all hosts in cluster $Global:CLUChoice from DC $Global:DCChoice, you can then select a host and list its CDP information for each NIC Get host CDP Informationfunction VP-HostCDPInfo { $hosts = Get-datacenter $Global:DCChoice | Get-Cluster $Global:CLUChoice | get-vmhost Write-Host “================ Select host ================” $i = 1 $hosts | ForEach-Object -Process {


PowerCLI Menu

For some time now I’ve wanted to put together a PowerCLI menu system, just to make running common commands a little faster. Let’s start with vCenter, unfortunately, this is the only part that hardcoded so you’re going to need to amend this to include your vCenters FQDN ###############################File Location ############################### $scriptDir = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path


Move a host into a cluster

This function pulls a list of hosts from your vCenter that are currently in maintenance mode and moves them into your previous selected cluster. Again this uses my usual variables, specifically: VP-MoveHostCluster – Function Name $Global:DCChoice – DC Choice$Global:CLUChoice – Cluster Choice function VP-MoveHostCluster { $hosts = Get-datacenter $Global:DCChoice | get-vmhost | Where {$_.ConnectionState -eq


vSphere Tags & vROps Metrics

This week i had been tasked with collecting lists of VMs that are tagged within certain vSphere tag categories and then compiling lists of their metrics so that service group owners can identify resource demand during testing. This information would also be useful if rightsizing your environment or planning new infrastructure. I used the following
