Script to take hosts out of maintenance mode in vCenter & vROPs

On occasion, I’ve noticed that people can sometimes forget to take a host out of maintenance mode in vROPs after completing some work in vCenter. I have created a short PowerCLI script that will pull a list of hosts from a specified CSV file, connect to your vCenter & vROPs then exit the listed hosts


Creating a view in vROPs

vRealize Operations Manager gives you the ability to take all the data and metrics it has ingested and use that to create smaller, more targeted, visual data for specific objects and metrics for a given time frame. Once created, these can be used independently or as part of dashboards and reports. Below, I will run


vSphere Tags & vROps Metrics

This week i had been tasked with collecting lists of VMs that are tagged within certain vSphere tag categories and then compiling lists of their metrics so that service group owners can identify resource demand during testing. This information would also be useful if rightsizing your environment or planning new infrastructure. I used the following
